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Ko Olina - Ewa Plain
A Must See! Welcome to the serene enclave of Coconut Plantation at Ko Olina, aptly named "A Place of Joy." As you step into this special 3 bedroom, 3 bath residence, you are enveloped by a tranquil resort ambiance, accentuated by the radiant Hawaiian sun and a lush tropical landscape. A new centrai air system has been installed which keeps the entire spacious residence cool and comfortable. There are two well-appointed levels, offering a seamless and inviting flow throughout the space. The charming first floor lanai presents a picturesque view of the 13th hole on the pristine Ko Olina Golf Course, with the course's boundary graciously approaching your private outdoor space. There is roomy walk-in closet space, and relaxing covered lanai spaces on both floors. The enclosed 2-car garage is a perfect feature for this awesome home. This residence is vacant, being sold “As Is”, easy to show, and a must see! A mere stone's throw away, you'll find exquisite beach lagoons, the enchanting Disney Aulani Resort, a selection of delectable dining options, and a renowned luau experience--all within an easy, leisurely stroll.
92-1180 Olani Street 55-1 Kapolei 96707 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 676-7200
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