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Browse Homebuyer ArticlesPrice is undoubtedly at the top of any seller’s mind. Harness Locations’ extensive and exclusively local market intel to establish the best possible price, while also learning how to better present, stage and market your home.
Browse Home Seller ArticlesThe first step in real estate investing is easier to make when you know where to start. Our highly-trained agents will develop and coach you through a strategic plan that will diversify your portfolio and be an income-producing business investment for years to come
Browse Investor ArticlesOwning a home in Hawaii offers distinct advantages to members of the military. Locations’ experienced military experts will show you how to use housing allowance (BAH) and access Veterans Affairs (VA) loans to own a home that fits your individual circumstances.
Browse Military ArticlesAffordable housing options abound across Oahu, with new construction coming online regularly. Locations knows just where to look and will teach you where to search and how to minimize your down payment.
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