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Single Family Home
Lanai Villas At Poipu Kai - Koloa
NEWER OCEANVIEW HOME IN THE VISITOR DESTINATION AREA (VDA) OF POIPU. The essence of a Pacific paradise. Ocean views. Palm trees. Plumeria laced tradewinds. Ideal year-round weather. Walking distance to several beaches. Wow!
From the expansive second floor covered lanai you can watch the waves breaking at Shipwreck's Beach fronting the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort & Spa thru the swaying palm trees.
Modern build with Asian flair set on a quiet cul-de-sac. Three en suites provides spaciousness and privacy to the occupants. Polished concrete floors throughout the downstairs and deluxe flooring upstairs. Oversize kitchen utilizing an open-space concept, this home was made for entertaining and enjoyment. Large 3-car garage for all your toys.
Live here year-round or just the parts of the year that suits you best. Or you can vacation-rent your property to a steady stream of visitors dreaming about spending time in sunny Poipu. There is no "off-season" on beautiful Kauai and quality vacation-rentable properties like this can provide an impressive income.
World class golf, diving, fishing, surfing, hiking, and more nearby!
Matterport interactive virtual tour: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=5qgLLXV82VD&brand=0&mls=1&
Video: https://kauai-real-estate-media.aryeo.com/videos/018fbb40-4f2e-7203-9f02-e182534e8dfc
1647 Kelaukia St Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Kauai - Princeville Office
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