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Single Family Home in Waiakea Homestead Houselots - South Hilo Hawaii
Amazing location!
This brand new build in the heart of Hilo has over 2,700 square feet under roof, including three bedrooms, two baths, and a separate private guest suite with wet bar and entry of its own.
Top level finishes are found throughout, including high ceilings, quartz countertops, LED lighting, designer window frames, sleek modern ceiling fans, walk-in closets, and durable luxury vinyl flooring.
Stainless steel appliances and custom cabinetry adorn the kitchen, where drop-in sinks make cleanup a breeze. In each bath, you’ll find spacious, fully tiled floor-to-ceiling showers and carefully cut shallow-seam mirrors overlooking the vanities.
Outside, enjoy three covered patios overlooking the fully fenced yard—perfect for relaxing and entertaining. Head into the living area to cool down on those warm summer days, where a split AC system has been installed.
An enclosed garage provides abundant storage space, and a dedicated laundry area.
This property is located five minutes from the University of Hawaii, and sits perched around the corner from the Puainako Center, home to grocery stores, banks, and a variety of shops and eateries.
3905 Kila Pl Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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