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Single Family Home in Waiakea Homestead Houselots - South Hilo Hawaii
Handicap Accessible Acorn stairlift to the second floor. Seller motivated. Cute 2 bed 2.5 bath home on large lot over a quarter acre, off an attractive paved circle road, with HELCO power and County water, in nice area of Hilo minutes to Prince Kuhio shopping Center, Puainako Center, Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Hilo Airport, Hilo Municipal Golf Course, Beach Parks, University of Hawaii at Hilo, and much more. Seller says this Home is a Hurricane Resistant Deltec Home and that when his family built the house in 1992 his father carefully chose the biggest, highest and best lot in the subdivision with the best views. Great convenient location just off main Highway. Bring your vision and upgrade this diamond in the rough. There are mature and young fruit trees in the yard, including naval orange, apple banana, Meyer lemon, tangerine, jabong (large aromatic citrus), Chatwell Avocado, Tahitian coconut, Passion Fruit aka Lilikoi as well as garden vegetables, berries and flowers. Per Seller approx 1,200 sqft open concrete slab under house is partially enclosed with a possibly unpermitted wall, storage area, and studio "unit" with separate entrance & toilet/shower. Seller states this home is constructed of Southern yellow pine and Cedar with an asphalt shingle roof that is ready to be replaced. With some TLC this might just be your ideal Big Island home in paradise. Distressed Property. Pre Foreclosure. Use Distressed Property Addendum.
126 Kinai Pl Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Sherrill A Erickson Dba Hale 414
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