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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Entertainer's Delight is a Gardener's Paradise!
Large swimming pool, 40' X 15' 4-6' depth, and BBQ area provides family and friends fun days,
even has an outdoor wood-fired pizza oven.
Catchment is a hugh 25,000 gallons! Water purification system is in place. Electric service is managed with a "time of use" meter and is about .09 cents per kwh from 9-5pm. The pool pump runs from 5am-5pm except for the shock 24 hr. run when needed.
Rain is abundant at this property and the newly refurbished roof and gutters supply plenty of water to the large ?? gallon tank.
House was remodeled completely in 2013 and has had excellent upkeep.
Refrigerator, double oven gas range with pancake grill, overhead microwave and garbage disposer in the re-modelled kitchen.
GE washer and dryer are in the mid-level laundry room along with a bathroom with shower accessible to the pool area.
2 large decks in the rear with one to accommodate several
tables for large functions. Currently used for Curves exercise studio.
The other deck adjoins the private entrance to the master bedroom and bath or add a hot tub to enjoy the gorgeous sunsets after work.
There is enough room on the property to add another guest house, family dwelling or garage.
There are two circular driveways, upper and lower with abundant parking space.
Trees: Cook Pines, Jacaranda, Huge Ficus, Fig, Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Orange, Pomelo grapefruit, Starfruit, Jojo....2 avocado, 2 mango, 3 banana, Poinsettia, Snow on the mountain, Plumeria, Orchids of all varieties, Bird of Paradise, Ferns, Futura Snake plant, Dragon Fruit, Aloe Vera, Bougainvillea, Guava, Rosemary, Basil and
Numerous other varieties that create a wonderful-wooded atmosphere.
You don't want to miss this opportunity to live in a place you'll love!
Easy to see with short 2 hr. notice.
92-8767 Hawaii Blvd Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Camino Properties
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