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Vacant Land in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Rolled & Ready Land
1 Large Acre/Land/Tent aka Yurt/Sheds/Water Roughed In
Bring your Yurt, building plans, tiny home plans, Motor Home (RV).
Nice rarely available 1 acre, located in the lower part of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates Subdivision.
Unique and special experience as you view this lot as a home, land banking, current or future building site.
Most of lot is fully rolled, easy to build your dream home, off-grid cabin living and designing your dream home or farm.
Natural land design is terraced rolling up the lot (Mauka), this is a must view.
Natural Lava Rock Landscape front the street with dual driveways,
Front of lot offers fencing and double gated for privacy. Easy to design a circular drive. Multiple design possibilities on this lot.
Lot offers dirt. Mature Ohia trees planted for privacy.
Location offers commuting to town for work and play.
Very nice lot close to the highway with basic living in a Yurt style tent, ready to build outdoor shower & catchment with small outbuildings.
Close to the Ocean View town center including: grocery stores, farmers market, laundry mat, post office, hardware store and other amenities.
Enjoy a drive to South Point, Na’alehu, Volcano, Captain Cook & Kailua-Kona where you'll find world class surfing, snorkeling, South Point clilffs, off-road trails and fishing spots.
Currently on property basic Yurt/tent, water catchment and outdoor shower was roughed in.
Bring your Farm ideas, plenty of dirt on property to grow outdoor & indoor plants. Ready to plant so you can live farm to table.
Close to the main road for easy in/out when traveling the island.
Utilities to lot. SSPP not paid, to be paid by buyer.
Currently occupied, do not approach without an appointment.
92-1473 Walaka Dr Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Soldier To Soldier Hawaii Realty, Llc
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