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Vacant Land in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Welcome to Nanawale in the Puna district of Hawai'i Island! On this private property sits an open non-permitted living space.
Highlights to include:
-Non-permitted living space located on property
-Electric and lighting operated on Solar
-1 bedroom w/upstairs loft
-Outdoor functional shower
-Bathtub plumbed in but not finished
-Functional toilet
-Kitchenette area with dish sink
*Seller willing to leave behind kitchen and living items
There is a 3000 watt power inverter with charge controller including a 150 amp/hr lithium ion battery for light/electric. Includes a 20 year warranty. Purchased in mid 2023. There are (8) 425 watt solar panels, a 10,000 gallon water catchment (no gutter/filtration).
Property includes lilikoi vines, guava trees, avocado trees, and coconut. There are many types of beautiful flowers and greenery to include the Bird of Paradise and Orchids.The lot is cleared and grated and there is a gate which sits fronting the main road.
This property is about 10 minutes from Puna Kai Shopping Center where there is entertainment, shopping and amazing food restaurants.
14-551 Seaview Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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