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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Shores Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
The most complete home and landscaped property ready for you to live a fulfilling life. Multiple covered patio area totalling 2,434 sqft under roof perfect indoor outdoor livings lifestyle. The 2 bedrooms have glass sliding doors opening up to its own yard, bringing tons of natural light. The oversize master comes with its own bathroom and large windows and build in Air conditioner. Main Living area includes four glass sliding doors, open up glass walls and high vaulted ceilings with open beams and tongue and groove panelin. The open kitchen concept with hardwood cabinets and stainless steel appliances. Dinning area has a cute breakfast bar, giving a great view of the front yard. The entire home is tiled, keeping it cooler in the summer with installed double AC units. A Connected laundry room, dividing the large carport area with build-in lots of shelvings for your tools and supplies enclosed with sliding doors to neatly tucked away. An attached additional wing of the home consists of a permitted bathroom and an office. This room has its own glass slider that opens up to the pond and covered patio area, creating a separate entrance as well as an opportunity for a mother-in-law suite. The backyard is fully fenced for your pets and has a shed and a star gazing room with a retractable roof. There is banana, papaya soursop, lychee tree and vegetables garden on the property. Front line Rockwall stood marble rock lions on double gate entrance and circular driveway will greet you as you pull up to the house. The whole property has concrete walkways all around and is nicely landscaped with ornamental plants like antheriums, orchids, bromeliads, white tiare, and night-blooming jasmine. If you like the sound of running water then you must see this home. Located in Hawaiian shore subdivision with community benefits membership, Mail delivery, and private water. Short drive to ocean and scenic routes. Puna Kai shopping center and Pahoa Village tow
15-473 Anae St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Connection Realty Corporation
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