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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Shores Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
A diamond in the rough!!! Come check out this beauty - she is in need of some work and upgrades but with a little bit of love she will return to her glory!
Originally a two-story home with spacious rooms, ample storage, and amazing outdoor spaces for enjoying the ocean views and breezes .The bottom level is tiled and consists of one bedroom, 2 bathrooms, utility room, 2 huge storage closets and an additional living or entertaining area. There is access to the bottom lanai through two sliding glass doors as well. Go up the stairs and enter into an amazingly spacious living area with vaulted ceilings and access to the second story lanai. The two sliding glass doors to the lanai add an abundant amount of natural light to this space. This story includes the kitchen and pantry, the primary bedroom and en suite as well as an additional bathroom and bedroom. The floors are hardwood throughout this space and are still in great condition. The primary en suite includes a double vanity sink, large walk-in closet, jetted tub and sizable walk-in shower.
At a later date on an additional story was built as an "observation platform" with access from the second story lanai area. Unfortunately, due to the elements, access to this third level has been compromised, but not lost. A new stairway will need to be rebuilt to access the views.
The yard is small and easy to maintain with various types of palms, coconut trees, song of India, Starburst clerodendrum, ti leaf and much more. A beautiful rock wall can also be found along the back, side, and front of the property.
This home is a perfect getaway from the busyness of life - to relax, slow down and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is located a few streets away from the Pacific Ocean and just walking distance to Kahakai Park. Also, Pahoa and the new Puna Kai shopping center is about a 10-15 minute drive away.
15-123 Uwalo St Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Century 21 Homefinders Of Hawaii
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