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Single Family Home
Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna
BACK ON THE MARKET WITH UPDATES GALORE!!! Follow link to video tour!
Bathrooms with new electrical, lighting, and vanities, new lighting and switches throughout home, new window sills, and renovated lanai decking plus much more.
Cozy home on paved road conveniently located in the middle of HPP. This three bedroom two bathroom charmer is solid with good bones also updated since being built. New ceiling fans, recessed lighting and switches add modern touches. Your spacious kitchen boasts new appliances, (less than six months young) and provides you with plenty of room to make and serve your favorite meals. There is a beautiful large island that provides storage and seating. You can host your entire ohana by using the dining space adjacent to the kitchen or eat outside on the lanai through the kitchen sliding glass door. The large family room rolls right into the kitchen making this open concept living space feel huge. Indoor laundry is a breeze with newer, stacked space saving washer and dryer (2 yrs old) also included in purchase. A cement catchment tank will stand the test of time and can also be used as an extra outdoor living space if covered. This one acre property boast several mature mango trees, a variety of avocado trees, guava trees and some pineapple plants as well. This tropical oasis of land is lush with a sampling of native plants like ti, fern, wild orchids, pikake, ohia, hibiscus and palms ranging from areca to samoan coconut. To top it all off there is an enclosed storage space at the rear of the covered double carport as well as an additional outdoor stand alone storage unit. All these features make this a wonderful place to call home. There are not many "move in ready" homes in HPP for $425,000 with this much to offer.
Don't delay in scheduling a viewing today! Showings will begin Monday May 13.
15-1538 16Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Salt Water Real Estate Llc
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