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Condo in Kaaawa - Kaneohe Oahu
Located on the slopes below the Crouching Lion and across the azure hues of the Makaua Channel, lies beautiful Makaua Village. Larger units in Building 4 offer 2 proper bedrooms and 2 full baths, with 2 assigned parking stalls for ground floor unit 414, just steps away. Thoughtfully renovated with excellent upgrades, including new kitchen electrical and plumbing, reverse osmosis water filter system, an on-demand water heater, new stainless appliances including a dishwasher and microwave hood that vents outside, beautifully tiled backsplash, granite counters, shaker cabinets, stacking washer/dryer, LVP flooring and more! Relax with the soothing sights and sounds of ocean and surf from your living room, lanai, and primary bedroom. Make that challenging trek uphill along the Pu'u Manamana trail for panoramic ocean views! Enjoy gourmet fare at the reopened cafe just around the bend. A short drive South past Kualoa brings you to convenient Kaneohe (and Marine Corps Base) amenities, while meandering the other way leads to beautiful Laie/BYU, Turtle Bay, and all that the North Shore has to offer. $10k CREDIT for RATE BUYDOWN and/or CLOSING COSTS for the LUCKY BUYER! See this today!
51-636 Kamehameha Highway 414 Kaaawa 96730 is listed Courtesy of Locations Llc (808) 735-4200
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