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Condo in West Marina - Hawaii Kai Oahu
Aloha - Welcome to the Esplanade - This private 4th-floor condo has an open view of Koko Head and overlooks the buildings' amazing amenities. Here, the lanai was enclosed (with a permit), allowing for a larger primary bedroom. The 2 sets of sliding doors allow the beautiful Mauka to Makai breezes to keep you cool and comfortable throughout the year - and if you prefer - you can use your central AC. Offering custom kitchen & bath cabinet fronts, large-format porcelain tile flooring in the entry kitchen and bath, and new vinyl flooring in the living room (July 2024). The interior of this spacious 1-bedroom condo is 874 SF with lots of light and an easy, comfortable floor plan. The Esplanade offers an amazing lifestyle with Marina Front Amenities including boat docks, surfboard, kayak and SUP storage, tennis courts, a huge pool & rec area, plus a putting green, meeting rooms, and the waterfront park - all included in an affordable monthly fee. Residents love their on-site management & security, and the pet-friendly community vibe.
500 Lunalilo Home Road 45F Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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