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West Marina - Hawaii Kai
Live in a piece of this Hawaiian Paradise at The Esplanade, overlooking the Hawaii Kai Marina & comes with a boat dock! 1st come, 1st served. Resort amenities & gorgeous views of magenta sunsets, Koolau mountains & Luna Kai Park. 1 of the Best locations, 1 unit from the pool, no stairs or popcorn & the only unit w/a huge open promenade out the front door, looking out to Koko Head & the Eastern morning sun. Organic herb/veggie garden! Because there is no unit below, the floors are all new Luxury Vinyl Flooring, no carpeting! Newly painted seafoam blue, w/teak accents & updated newer kitchen & baths. Ready to move in! Designer built-in entertainment center from California Closets, newer AC & appliances. Automated roller blinds in the living room & main bedroom & plantation shutters in the front bdrm & kitchen. Extra large windows in the 2nd bdrm w/awesome Koko Head views & Moonrises! 2 covered garaged parking stalls & storage units. Tennis & pickleball, Koi ponds, social party room, heated saltwater pool & spa, w/2 steam rooms & gym. Carwash area w/vacuum. 100% Insured building! All furniture is negotiable. Perfect for an investor. 24-hour security, accepts packages~No porch pirates!
500 Lunalilo Home Road 22B Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life (800) 667-5028
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