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Single Family Home in Mariners Ridge - Hawaii Kai Oahu
Check out this amazing custom home that’s all about those jaw-dropping panoramic mountain and ocean views from a new modern home! The layout is super thoughtful, featuring a gourmet kitchen that’s perfect for whipping up delicious meals. You’ll love the main living and dining area, which even has a large conditioned wine cellar for your favorite bottles. The primary bedroom offers those stunning views you’ve been dreaming of. There is a separate mother-in-law/ guest ensuite. A beautiful pool with a hot tub, just waiting for you to dive in! With a total of 6 bedrooms, 6 full bathrooms, large office, and bonus rooms. The primary lanais really capture those breathtaking views over Hawaii Kai and beyond. Located on a lower part of the ridge, this home has plenty of parking, thanks to a spacious 1,000 SF garage and driveway for guests. It also comes with split air conditioning throughout and an owned 42-panel photovoltaic (PV) system with (3) Tesla Powerwall batteries, making it super energy-efficient. This property is the definition of resort-style living in Hawaii, making it the perfect spot for gatherings with friends and family. Don't miss out on this slice of paradise!
880 Kaahue Street Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Oahure.Com (808) 425-7887
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