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Single Family Home in Kamehame Ridge - Hawaii Kai Oahu
Located on a quiet, dead-end street in the desirable Kamehame Ridge neighborhood, this beautifully upgraded home offers both style and functionality. With lush tropical landscaping, vaulted ceilings, and a bright, open concept living space, this property is an oasis of comfort and tranquility. The living area includes new windows for a bright expansive view with custom Hunter Douglas automated blinds to allow sun or privacy with a sleek appearance. The gourmet kitchen includes custom quartz counters and backsplash with white cabinetry and stainless appliances with a crispness that blends well with the open living area. Luxury Vinyl flooring throughout. The home includes 4 split AC units to provide a cool home year around. The home is currently cooled 24/7 with a $36/month electric bill! The exterior was painted recently and gutters installed in the past two years. The yard has tropical landscaping with underground sprinklers. The house has owned Photovoltaic Solar system which includes 35 panels and two batteries. The two-car garage also includes a bonus built in storage. This home combines modern luxury with practical energy-saving features and truly is an island gem!
7424 Ainanani Place Honolulu 96825 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Pacific Realty Group (808) 227-5456
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