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Single Family Home in - North Kohala Hawaii
At the end of a quiet rural road in Halaula, North Kohala, this nine-acre property has a 2 bed/2 bath home built in 2019, plus multiple agricultural outbuildings. There was once a plantation managers estate in this prime location, and in addition to the new, fully permitted home, there is a plantation-era structure that was later used for macadamia nut processing. This charming building could become an artist studio or farm office - use your imagination!
The home was designed as two mirror image wings with a bed and bath on each side. Live on one side as your "tiny home" and have a second wing for guests. Or have plenty of privacy for multigenerational living. The attached garage of over 1,000 sq ft has doors sized for the largest truck, and built in shelves for contractor or farm equipment.
Two garden or multipurpose sheds are attached by a large lanai overlooking the gulch - another sweet area for writing, reading, music making, artistic pursuits or entertaining.
Some of the nine acres is in a gulch with seasonal stream, offering complete privacy to the west. There is plenty of vacant land with good soil for pasture or farming. A small citrus orchard is planted near the entrance and does well with minimal attention.
Kohala is a vibrant rural community, proud of its history. It is not unusual to see cattle being trailered through town or horses being ridden on country roads. The towns of Kapa?au and Hawi have all the necessities of life like grocery stores and farmers markets, a hardware store, and medical professionals; plus restaurants, art galleries, and boutiques. The Kohala Coast beaches are a 30 minute drive; Kona airport a little over an hour away.
53-354 Old Halaula Mill Rd Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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