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Single Family Home
Olaa Reservation Lots - Puna
Discover the boundless potential of this nearly 40-acre paradise, where landscapes and opportunities await. This exceptional property features a custom-built, recently renovated home, offering views of Mauna Kea, the Pacific Ocean, and sunrises from your spacious wrap-around lanai.
Bright and cheery, this home is freshly re-painted inside and out, with thoughtful updates that add to its charm. Enjoy the natural warmth of Ohia hardwood floors and vaulted ceilings in the living room, which create a sense of spaciousness. The beautifully renovated kitchen features modern stainless appliances, while the bathrooms have been stylishly upgraded, adding a touch of luxury.
The lower level has been completely transformed, providing additional living space that can be used for a long-term, hosted vacation rental or to house a farmhand.
Enjoy reduced utility bills with photovoltaic solar panels with Tesla batteries.
Beyond the home, the property continues to impress with its diverse features. It includes a pond and deep, fertile soil ideal for gardening, farming, or maintaining its legacy as a thriving egg-producing farm. The spacious steel barn/warehouse offers ample room for farm equipment, storage, and projects for the gentleman farmer, while the greenhouse provides year-round growing potential.
This bountiful estate also boasts an impressive array of edibles such as grapefruit, oranges, lemon, lime, tangerines, coffee, banana, avocado, and more. Ornamental bamboo varieties, rainbow eucalyptus, and heliconia add to the land's beauty.
With two additional access roads and ample room for further development or agricultural pursuits, this property is a rare gem, offering the best of Hawaii’s rural lifestyle. Whether you envision farming, expanding, or simply embracing the land's beauty, this estate provides the perfect canvas to bring your dreams to life.
Includes a 5065e John Deere Tractor with H240 Loader and attachments
18-3935 Kopua Rd Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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