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Napili/Kahana/Honokowai - West Maui
Nestled in the vibrant heart of Kahana, Pohailani Maui unit 154 presents a charming ground-floor 2-bedroom condo, offering an inviting blend of comfort and convenience. This thoughtfully designed residence provides seamless convenience and comfort with its 2-bedroom, 1-bath layout, inviting you to move right in and make it your own. Immerse yourself in the warmth of the fully turn-key experience, where an updated kitchen, bathroom, and luxurious travertine floors create an ambiance of refined relaxation. Step outside of unit 154 and embrace the essence of island living, with the property just a leisurely stroll away from a wealth of exceptional amenities. Indulge in relaxation at two shimmering pools, perfect your game at the tennis court, or savor moments of tranquility in the lush embrace of the clubhouse. For culinary delights, indulge in the three BBQ stations, one of which offers a breathtaking oceanfront setting, creating an idyllic backdrop for gatherings with friends and family. And if that wasn't enticing enough, Pohailani's lush 8-acre landscape, adorned with vibrant flowers and bountiful fruit trees, provides a serene backdrop for daily adventures and tranquil moments alike. Experience the epitome of island living at its finest within the welcoming embrace of unit 154 at Pohailani Maui.
4440 Lower Honoapiilani Rd 154 Lahaina 96761 is listed Courtesy of Keller Williams Realty Maui-L Cell: 808-283-1452
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