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Single Family Home
Ili Of Kikiaola & Kikiaola - Waimea
This ocean & sunset view home underwent a complete renovation in 2014 from the foundation, interior, and exterior, making it a modern and eco-friendly place to live. It has been upgraded with energy-efficient features such as photovoltaic and a solar water heater. These systems can help reduce your energy bills while minimizing your carbon footprint. With a spacious living area, you'll have plenty of room to relax and entertain guests. The large front deck is an ideal spot for enjoying outdoor living and taking in the beautiful surroundings. It can be a great place for outdoor dining, watching sunsets, or simply relaxing with a book. The property offers ample room for a garden. You can indulge your green thumb and grow your favorite plants, flowers, or even some tropical fruits and vegetables. Being located at the base of Waimea Canyon is a major advantage. This area is known for world-class hiking opportunities and breathtaking scenic views. Exploring the trails and vistas in the Waimea Canyon State Park, aka "The Grand Canyon of the Pacific", can be a fantastic outdoor adventure. A short drive away from Kekaha Beach and Salt Pond means you have easy access to beautiful beaches. Whether you enjoy surfing, playing in the sand, or fishing from the Waimea Pier, these "playgrounds" offer a variety of recreational activities. Living in the seaside town of Waimea, Kauai provides a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty and relaxed island lifestyle of Hawaii. The combination of an energy-efficient home and the various attractions and outdoor activities in the area makes this property appealing to those seeking a serene and sustainable way of life on the island.
Of Note: Flood insurance is not a lender requirement in zone X. The home is connected to the County sewer system. Most of the residential areas on the island have individual waste systems, i.e. septic systems & cesspools. There are 30 photovoltaic panels.
4816 Waimea Canyon Dr Waimea 96796 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kauai
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