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Single Family Home in Nawiliwili - Lihue Kauai
Experience the beauty of island style living at Kalapaki Estates. We present to you this premiere 4 bedroom & 3.5 bath expansive home newly built in 2023. Enter through an imported solid wood door with glass reveals. The top of the stairs opens to a grand living & open dining area cooled by the tile floors throughout. Custom designed kitchen with rich earth tone cabinets. Luxury Thermador Appliances that includes Wall Oven and Cooktop, Refrigerator and Dishwasher. Walk In pantry and abundance of cabinet space. Laundry Room is steps from the kitchen with stainless steel finish Samsung Washer & Dryer. You will have the privacy of your suite which opens to the great tiled lanai enriched with stained wood ceilings. A spa experience awaits you in the bath with free standing tub and walk in shower along with private toilet room. Two bedrooms are separated with a Jack & Jill full bathroom. Guest Suite has its own full bath with walk in shower. The whole 1st floor is over 3,000 square feet and open to your design for carport, gym, storage. Look out into the lush green open valley views with your family and friends from this newly built place to call Home.
3605 Rice St Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Nakamoto Realty Llc
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