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Condo in Hanamaulu & Kalapaki - Lihue Kauai
Great value: If you have been looking for that affordable vacation rental on Kauai, this is it: a 3rd floor, less than $300,000 condominium unit on the island of Kauai.
Yes it is full ownership!
Kauai's newest oceanfront, one of a kind opportunity! Conversion to fee simple condominium at the famous "Kauai Beach Resort".
* Upgrades and Amenities include:
$12ml origional renovation. Includes a waterslide at the beachfront, sandbottom pool.
350 beautifully decorated & furnished guest rooms and suites
3 miles of beachfront on Kauai's longest stretch of beach.
3 pools, 1 beachfront sandbottom pool and outdoor spas
2 Restaurants, 2 Bars
Hawaiian entertainment and shows
Boutique Spa and Exercise Center
Over 12,000 square feet of meeting and banquet space
Units come furnished, turnkey and future booked reservations.
Welcome to Kauai Beach Resort, this charming condo is conveniently located in Lihue, just north of the airport. The interior exudes elegance with its luxury hardwood flooring, and owner selected furnishings that capture the essence of the island, all against a backdrop of resurfaced interior walls.
This successful vacation rental has easy access to the resort's amenities and is just a short walk away from the pristine shores of Kauai's breathtaking beaches. The array of amenities includes four swimming pools, two spas, a poolside bar, a fitness center, restaurants, a full-service spa, a fire pit, a business center, and banquet facilities, converging to offer a seamless blend of island activitiesand leisure. This is a must-see!
4331 Kauai Beach Dr 2309 Lihue 96766 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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