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Weliweli Heights - Koloa
Beautiful Ocean Views from Kauai's most southern point at Makahuena at Poipu !
2-story air conditioned condo is located on the 3rd floor with a beautiful ocean views looking over the pool area and well maintained garden landscape. 2 bed 2.5 bath with 1,172 sq. ft. of living space, 3 storage closets and covered lanai patio. Vaulted ceilings with additional storage loft to store all of your personal items.
Enjoy gorgeous sunrise and sunset views while listening to the ocean breezes.
Improvements include:
New windows and sliding glass doors 2021
New Power Panel located in Kitchen which most units in Makahuena need to be upgraded
New light fixtures in Kitchen & Dining 2021
New Kitchen Appliances 2023-2024
New Fujitsu split system (3) A/C units located in living area and each bedroom 2023
Mohawk Engineered Wood Flooring on upper level bedrooms and hallway
Refinished bathrooms
Tile flooring in Kitchen & Living
Solid wood doors in bedrooms and bathrooms
Full Size Maytag Washer & Dryer with Commercial Technology
2018 Water Heater with alarm sensor and its own water shut off valve
Quality furnishings and fully stocked kitchen items
Makahuena is uniquely located between 3 of Poipu's best beaches known as Brennecke Beach, Poipu Beach Park and Shipwreck Beach
There is a walking trail next to Makahuena which takes you along the oceans edge to Shipwreck beach and the Grand Hyatt in Poipu.
Brennecke Beach & Poipu Beach Park are less than a mile away.
Amenities in Makahuena include: Pool, Spa, BBQ area, & Tennis/Pickleball court
AOAO dues include Common Area Expenses, Trash, Water, Sewer, & Cable TV
Old Koloa Town is only 3.1 miles away with plenty of shops and restaurants.
For the golfer you have 2 great courses - Poipu Bay only 1.3 miles away and Kiahuna Golf Club is 2 miles away
Make this your primary home, second home or vacation rental condo on the Sunnyside of Kauai.
1661 Pee Rd I306 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Honolulu - Kauai
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