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Condo in Weliweli Heights - Koloa Kauai
This Makahuena 2 bedroom + third bedroom loft with 2.5 bathrooms would make a rockin' vacation rental or a really nice place to live! This sought-after, 3 story floorplan has a living floor, a sleeping floor, and a spacious third-floor loft that is currently being used as the third bedroom. Oceanviews from living room lanai, primary bedroom, and sweeping oceanviews from the loft. Entry level half bath that also has full size washer & dryer and large storage closet.
Every aspect and surface that needed attention got it! Updated kitchen, resurfaced tub, refinished open-riser stairs, and totally remodeled loft including newer panorama window. New electrical panel, new artwork, new kitchen equipment, new dishware, new glassware, new flatware, new linens, new TV, and new ceiling fans. New window treatments are on their way! Furniture upgrades throughout provide a turn-key vacation rental option and this resort enjoys a steady stream of bookings. Reasonable monthly HOA investment makes it do-able.
Poipu is regarded as one of the best resort areas on the planet. Located on Kauai's most southern point, the Makahuena resort is located on the walking trail to Shipwreck’s Beach and The Grand Hyatt Resort in one direction, and Brennecke’s Beach and Poipu Beach Park in the other direction. Old Koloa Town is only 3.1 miles away with plenty of shops and restaurants. For the golfer you have 2 great courses – the Poipu Bay Golf Course is only 1.3 miles away and the Kiahuna Golf Club is 2 miles away. Stay here a week or live here forever!
1661 Pee Rd I302 Koloa 96756 is listed Courtesy of Re/Max Kauai - Princeville Office
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