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Kapaa Town Lots - Kawaihau
Great location on the Kapa'a Coastline. This property is situated in one of the island’s most beloved neighborhoods, known for the charm of houses built back to the 1930’s.
Two legal dwellings on a corner lot: 4463 Makaha Rd and 1038 Kealoha Rd.
The homes are one block from the beach known as “Baby Beach,” a favorite for families due to its protective reef.
The 2 bdrm/2 bath Makaha house was built in the early 1930’s and while upgraded periodically over the years it still retains many of the original built-in features, French doors, front and rear lanais and more. The kitchen and bathrooms have been modernized, and interior wood paneling added throughout. There is an outdoor shower for rinsing off the salt water before entering your home.
The 1 bdrm/1 bath Kealoha cottage is completely separate from the main house and has also been remodeled with upgrades over the years, most recently in 2021. There is a full kitchen with granite counters, a bath with travertine tile floors, and an on-demand hot water heater. The cottage has its own privacy fence, perfect for pets, with gates that can be locked for security.
The property is Zoned R-20 which means it is possible to add another dwelling unit. The seller has already installed a second water meter and placed the septic tank strategically to allow for possible additions, remodeling, CPR, etc. Check with the appropriate county agencies.
The quiet retro neighborhood is located between the beach and the highway. The property is walking distance to the Li'i (small boat harbor) and the coastline walking/multi-use path aka The Ke Ala Hele Makalae. Numerous restaurants and shopping are also within walking distance. Nature and convenience in one package.
The set-up of the existing house and cottage offers many dwelling options: extended family use, live in one house and rent the other, or use the cottage as a home office or studio.
4463 Makaha Rd Kapaa 96746 is listed Courtesy of Kauai Dreams Realty
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