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Single Family Home in Kalihiwai Ridge - Hanalei Kauai
This stunning Kalihiwai Ridge custom home was built with attention to detail and many special unique features a general contractor for his personal family. Privately located well off the main Kahiliholo rd. This secluded property is at the end of a long private driveway surrounded by lush landscaping making it the perfect home for retreats, raising children, or to create your own peaceful tropical paradise. It truly is the most private of the five CPR units in the Maluhia Condominium. The 4.88 level acres of meticulously landscaped design incorporates numerous organic fruit and nut trees including: lychee, mountain apple, macadamia nut, avocado, orange, pineapple, banana, coconut, star fruit, papaya, fig, mango & chestnut. Even with all of the fruit trees & tropical landscaping there is still a huge open lawn area that offers numerous options for future buildings, swimming pool, more fruit trees, golf etc. Enjoy the tranquil sounds & a refreshing dip in the beautiful prawn filled stream as it meanders through the property.
Once inside the home you will be amazed by all of the beautiful custom woodwork, high vaulted ceilings, wood burning stone fireplace and more! The creative blending of various exotic hardwoods throughout the home (Koa, Mahogany, Ipe, Tiger wood, Canary wood, Lychee) gives a warm comfortable feeling. Slate flooring in the kitchen & bathrooms offer a nice compliment and durability. The meticulously thought out floor plan has 4 comfortable bedrooms & 3 full baths, with outside shower. There is an extra large, open loft area upstairs that can be used as an office or family entertainment area. An abundance of windows keep the home light, bright & airy. You can enjoy your morning coffee while taking in the gorgeous mountain views & array of tropical flowers or enjoy the luxury of dining under the stars on the outdoor lanais. Never been a better time to live in Kilauea where you have the perfect blending of a rural lifestyle in a thriving community.
5645-E Kahiliholo Rd Kilauea 96754 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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