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Single Family Home
Hanalei - Hanalei
Welcome to the breathtaking Hanalei Bay on the picturesque island of Kaua’i!
This exceptional estate offers a truly unique and luxurious living experience. As you step onto the fully fenced and private grounds, you'll be greeted by two magnificent structures that define this remarkable property.
The main residence, a stunning two-story masterpiece, commands awe-inspiring views of the ocean & mountains from its elevated perch. Boasting three bedrooms, an office, and generous living areas, this home exudes comfort and warmth. Unwind in the sumptuous soaking tub, a perfect retreat after a day of island adventures. Plus, with state-of-the-art solar hot water systems and photovoltaic panels, coupled with convenient switch panels, seamless transition from the grid to generators is effortlessly achieved.
A highlight of this estate is its front-row seats to surf contests and the mesmerizing sight of paddlers gracefully gliding across the bay. The vibrant energy & beauty of the rare entire bay view are yours to savor right from your own doorstep.
Convenience is paramount, with a back gate opening onto Pine Trees parking, adjacent to Waioli Beach Park & Pine Trees Beach. Easy access to the pristine sandy shores & verdant landscapes of the surrounding area.
The second structure, positioned at the front of the property, features an elegant privacy gate opening onto the renowned Weke Rd. Delight in sweeping mountain views and meticulously manicured gardens from this vantage point. Offering two expansive stories & three additional bedrooms, and two outdoor showers, this structure ensures ample space to suit your lifestyle. For those cherished vehicles, rest assured, there's even a garage to shelter your prized automobile.
A fusion of natural splendor, opulent living, & effortless access to the vibrant locale. Seize this rare opportunity to claim ownership of this extraordinary property and immerse yourself in the ultimate Hanalei Bay lifestyle.
5390 Weke Rd Hanalei 96722 is listed Courtesy of Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate, Rainbow Island Properties
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