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Single Family Home in Kona Paradise - South Kona Hawaii
** Assumable VA mortgage @ 2.75% interest rate is available to buyers and they don’t need to be veterans or in the military **
As you enter onto this inviting property, located at the top of Kona Paradise, you are greeted with beautiful landscaping consisting of a variety of fruits. You have the option of a 2-car enclosed garage with an EV charging port, or if you need to park multiple cars, the driveway can accommodate a few more as well.
As you make your way to the home, you will walk over a newly installed composite decking, whose stairs will also lead you to the nicely landscaped yard where you will find an assortment of palm trees and your catchment tank. This catchment tank has been recently upgraded to a triple filtration system with UV and on-demand pump. Although under a roof, this catchment tank is not located under the house which allows the opportunity to add an additional living space.
Entering into the home you'll find porcelain tile throughout the main areas and recently installed Koa PVC laminate in all the bedrooms. And to keep the home at the perfect temperature all year round, there are split A/C units in every room with a single hidden heat pump under the house.
The floor plan here flows very well. Your laundry room is the first room you are greeted with, then continuing on you'll find 2 guest bedrooms and a recently renovated guest bathroom. The primary bedroom is a large open space that easily fits a king size bed and sitting area. The primary bathroom has a large linen closet and walk in closet.
Just past the living room, and next to the large kitchen with newer appliances and granite countertops, you have a nice sunroom with windows on all three sides, making for a comfortable dining room or sitting area. The best part about this sunroom is that it leads you out to the deck where you can enjoy vast ocean views, beautiful sunsets, or just relaxing in the outdoors.
Come see your piece of the island.
87-3191 Ama Rd Captain Cook 96704 is listed Courtesy of Koa Realty, Inc.
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