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Single Family Home in Waikoloa Village - South Kohala Hawaii
Enter the home through a rock wall courtyard opposite a covered deck. The formal entry to the rustic minimalist interior greets you with a double sliding glass door coat closet which leads to a light-filled parlor to the left, or right to a sunken living room. The living room features rustic vaulted ceilings, large bay window with built in seat, and a working lava rock stone fireplace. It is a step up to the open concept Kitchen and Dining area with ample built in storage and display cabinetry. East, behind the kitchen is the guest bathroom, laundry area, and garage interior access. Facing South spanning nearly the length of the home is a large covered lanai. It’s accessible from the kitchen, a bedroom, and the grass yard. Discover a bountiful Meyer Lemon tree and small elevated plant bed ideal for herbs. From the dining area is a short hallway with linen closet and sliding barn door signaling you have arrived in the resting sanctuary of the home. Along a short hallway is a fully renovated bathroom with no-step shower. The first bedroom to the left has a large built in closet, fan, and access to the covered lanai. Across the hall the second bedroom has double windows, lighted fan, and a large built in closet. The owner’s suite entry is on the opposite end of the hallway. Here, a large suite features a built in closet and full bathroom with tub. The bedroom windows overlook an enclosed wrap around porch facing the ocean view and sunset. Access the porch direct from the Owner’s suite, living room, or outside where several terraced and dryscaped relaxation areas are staged to sit and enjoy the day, especially sunset. A path wraps around the exterior to take you to the gated entry courtyard and gated driveway. This is also helpful to access two varieties of mango tree, which provide year-round harvest. The private, landscaped grass yard is East, next to the 2 car garage with ample storage.
A remarkable Waikoloa Village home with nearby park and community amenities.
68-1884 Eha Ko Pl Waikoloa 96738 is listed Courtesy of Kohala Coast Properties
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