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Uplands At Mauna Kea - South Kohala
This highly desirable single-family home/condo lives like a private home and comes with all the conveniences of condo living! It has its own private pool and hot tub, great ocean views, and resort amenities!
This rare 4BR/4.5BA, 3,389 sf contemporary condo has been massively and lovingly upgraded to the nth degree! Some of the more notable features include:
* Water softener system for all household water
* Custom fountain in courtyard
* Stained glass entry by Calley O’Neill
* The 8 Minka 3-blade ceiling fans are super quiet
* Custom lights in all 5 baths
* Maytag washer & dryer -- new as of 2018
* 36 fully-owned photovoltaic solar panels -- new as of 2018
* 3 Tesla battery walls for power storage (2 installed in 2018; 1 installed in 2020)
* BMW car charger
* Solar panel netting installed to protect all panels against errant golf balls
* RING Camera system throughout the outside bedroom sliders
* Upgraded screens throughout
* 5 FLAT SCREEN televisions mounts installed in 2018
* SONOS SYSTEM throughout main house and lanai
* Custom shades throughout home & lanai (some are motorized)
* Custom KOA Curio Cabinets built into pillars at foyer
* All custom counter tops & quartz backsplash
* Custom mahogany cabinets with KOA stain
* 100% sourced mango kitchen cabinets including pantry door with etched glass
* Custom glass pendant lights
* Custom KOA Entertainment Center
* Custom built-in KOA dresser in the primary bedroom
* Custom walk- in closet with cedar drawers
* African Mahogany shelves on TV Wall
* Custom walk-in closet with cedar drawers and cabinets in 2nd primary bedroom suite
Custom built in KOA cabinets
Custom walk-in closet with cedar lining in enclosed doors and drawers
Custom built-in KOA vanity with granite top
This is a one-owner, meticulously maintained. Short-term vacation rentals are allowed.
62-3600 Amaui Pl 417 Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Island Lifestyle
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