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Lehia Park Residential Lots - South Hilo
You've seen the rest, now see the best!! A rare opportunity to acquire what is arguably the largest, & nicest Penthouse condo in E. Hawaii. The previous seller had pulled a permit to remove the wall between PH 1 & PH2 (Parcel #42) at the very desirable Hale Moana project. This bold move created a 1,753 sq. ft. condo, which feels more like a home with room to roam, and a nice ocean view.
The "double size" Penthouse with 10' ceiling was extensively remodeled with high end plumbing and electric fixtures, engineered "Koa" plank flooring, stone tile on the floors in the kitchen and 3 bathrooms, with fully tiled showers.
Granite counters grace the custom cabinetry in the kitchen and baths. The quality of construction and the species of lumber used is absolutely a woodworker's dream! Per seller, the exotic woods used include: Silver Oak in the kitchen and laundry/guest bath, Mango in the master bath, and Australian Cedar in the large guest bath featuring a hidden vanity.
A shoji screen creates a 3rd bedroom/office, or it can be removed for a more open feel.
2 lanais provide privacy as well as views of the ocean, Mauna Loa and the forest.
Included are 2 refrigerators, 2 kitchen sinks, washer/dryer, laundry sink, built in ironing board, 2 parking stalls and an in-ground pool.
Love ocean activities? Carlsmith and Richardson's Beach Parks are nearby for swimming, snorkeling to see the tropical reef fish and turtles, or just lounging on the sandy beach. Offshore, pods of dolphins can occasionally be seen, and right now - it's Humpback whale season!!! We have videos for your viewing pleasure.
The exquisite furniture, kitchenware and some of the artwork can be purchased separately.
Mo. fees and taxes posted here reflect both PH1 & PH2, and the HOA fee includes: water, elec., cable, internet, propane, trash, grounds maint., and insurance for the exterior of the building.
An Appraisal in 2022 came in at $1.451M (PH1: $780K/PH2: $670K).
1911 Kalanianaole Ave PH1 & PH2 Hilo 96720 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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