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Vacant Land in Royal Hawaiian Estates - Puna Hawaii
Build your dream home on this front lot in Royal Hawaiian Estates that has already been staked. You can also buy the two adjacent flag lots to create a larger lot or build three homes on the three lots for a little housing compound (TMK 3-1-1-56-109, a 14,072 sq ft flag lot for $51,000; and TMK 3-1-1-56-110, a 12,529 sq ft front lot for $53,000). The possibilities are only limited by your imagination!
Enjoy cooler climate, paved roads, access to overhead power, no CC&R's. Listen to birdsong as you take walks in the quiet neighborhood or explore numerous trails at nearby Volcano National Park. Volcano Village is a short drive away for restaurants, general stores, and gas. Go bowling or take in a movie at Kilauea Military Camp, attend special programs at Volcano National Park, develop your artistic side by taking classes at the Volcano Art Center, play a round of golf at Volcano Golf & Country Club, or go wine tasting at Volcano Winery. Punalu'u Beach is a 40-minute drive away and offers a beautiful expanse of high-quality black sand, along with picnic tables and amenities for a relaxing day. Hilo is a 50-minute drive away should you miss the hustle and bustle.
11-3051 Anuhea St Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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