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Single Family Home in Olaa Reservation Lots - Puna Hawaii
Huge $20,000 Seller Credit at Closing. Your Dream Country Home awaits on 30 Acres that include Mauna Loa & Mauna Kea Views Out Back on Your Massive Dining Lanai & the Pacific Ocean Views out front from Your Farmhouse Covered Porch. Mountain View is a highly sought after community that offers privacy & prime farming for animals and crops. The 2 gated entries, paddocks and beautiful stream make this uniquely valueable! Don't miss your chance to own this Tastefully designed Modern Ranchstyle House that has an Open Concept Floorplan & Vaulted Ceiling Living Room with Gorgeous Wood Work. Country Chic Kitchen is well equipped for entertaining & enjoying. Spacious 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bathroom has a Primary Bedroom with Pristine Views and a custom En-Suite Bathroom! The 4th Living Option is the Bonus Massive Multipurpose Room that is more like a Private Entry ADU if you add a Wetbar and it already has a front & back door Separate from the Main Living Space making it a great option for Multigenerational Living or Potential Rental Income. PV Solar Panels which are producing about 85%+ of electrical needs, additional City Power & Water, and Paved Road & DSL Internet make this a saavy purcahse. Enjoy shoping & dining nearby where Foodland, Coffee Bean & Tea, True Value Keaau amongst eateries & boutique shops meet your needs and Volcanoes National Park is a must do for your guest! The Lifestyle of Modern Farmhouse Living in Hilo can be yours!
18-4099 Pszyk Rd Mountain View 96771 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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