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Single Family Home in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Newly Remodeled! You'll feel at home as soon as you experience the open concept design of this peaceful 2-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom home. This is a marvelous segment of affordable Hawaii that could be yours. The kitchen features inspiring counter space and major appliances in an attractive layout, enhanced with a breakfast nook and elegant touches. This classic ranch home offers an additional large family room (which could be a large master) with a large walk in/laundry combo, as well as a seperate entrance! In addition to the convenience of the private bathroom (walk-in shower), you will find ample closet space to let your wardrobe breathe. The bedrooms are ready for guests! Right outside your door you will find fruiting trees! A newly-lined 10,000 gal catchment tank to supply water to the home. A long driveway easily parks three vehicles.
Enjoying the tropical trade winds while perched on a low-traffic street. This home is just minutes from the shopping and dining options of Puna Kai Shopping Center, and outdoor recreational opportunities. The proximity to Hilo makes for a low-travel commute. This inviting opportunity is located in the NANAWALE ESTATES SUBDIVISION development, offering low taxes and low association dues.
It's going to feel great to call this place home! Kehena black sand beach is about 25 minutes away, Property located in Lava Zone 2. Buyer and Buyer's agent must independently verify any and all information they deem material or important to their purchase or offer including permitting status with the County. The association's clubhouse, playground, and swimming pool are 2 blocks away. There is a newer fire and police station 4 miles away as well for added protection and peace of mind.
14-3556 Seadrift Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Equity Hawaii Real Estate Llc
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