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Single Family Home in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
Affordable Family Home in Nanawale Estates has 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms. Located on a side road off of Kehau Rd, this property is in a nice spot : close to the Longhouse and recreation area, easily reached from the main paved roads of the subdivision, but on a less-traveled, quieter road nestled amongst nicely maintained neighboring homes. Both neighboring homes have fences, so with the addition of front and back fencing, a buyer will yield a fully fenced yard for a reasonable price. The home is relatively compact in size but includes 2 full bathrooms and 3 bedrooms! All interior walls received a fresh coat of paint. This home is awaiting a new owner to bring their personal vision and style to this blank canvas. There is a nice large open carport (480 sqft) that has plenty of room for 2 vehicles. Nanawale Estates has a community Longhouse that has association offices, community gathering space for special programs, markets, and community meetings. There is a well-maintained salt water filtered swimming pool for resident's use, a playground for the keiki, and a community garden project. More information about Nanawale Community Association, CC & R's, fees, and services can be found at Nanawale. com.
The neighborhood is located just 3 miles from Pahoa Village where there are health food/grocery stores, a drug store, automotive service and supplies, a hardware store, and lots of restaurants of all types: local, ethnic, fresh, and fast. Pahoa also has several health clinics/practitioners and a lab for routine tests. Billy Kenoi County Park in Pahoa features an Olympic-sized swimming pool, soccer/football fields, baseball diamonds, and basketball courts.
Hilo is just 20 miles away with even more shopping and service options. There you will find the Hilo International Airport, the Hilo Medical Center (hospital), as well as several nice beaches for swimming and snorkeling.
14-3486 Oahu Rd Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Property Professionals Hawaii Llc.
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