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Vacant Land in Nanawale Estates Subdivision - Puna Hawaii
This fully functioning homestead comes turn key and is your opportunity to score with everything you need to live...including a car!
This well planned, gated and partially fenced oasis in the jungle is a lovely place to live while you build your dream house on a previously cleared area in the back of this beautiful land.
The fully finished approx.16 by 16 main structure is equipped with solar power from a 12 volt system with two solar panels on the roof. There is additional racking to add more panels as desired or needed. The screened in lanai enclosure is approx.7 by 16 and hosts a kitchenette area with a full sized refrigerator, a sink area with tile counter space, a dual burner propane cook top with small oven and an eating bar. The separate bathhouse is very spacious and has a zen garden vibe to wash away the day. It has it's own 12 volt power system for the water pump and lights. The composting toilet has been set up with the feel of a standard toilet.
There is a separate portable 1,000 watt jackery battery that serves as a wonderful back up if needed or is able to be easily taken camping or fishing.
The small green house tent is a great way to keep your starts going and add to the abundance that is already there! You'll find many producing and maturing tree's, vines, plants and trees. There are bananas, papayas, pineapples, oranges, eggplants,, kabocha squash, ginger, turmeric, thyme, basil, taro, cassava, spinach, potatoes, Cuban cilantro, chives, to name some. Some of the grafted fruit trees include: jackfruit, oranges, black sapote, soursop, rambutan, ulu, 7 types of citrust, and avocado.
14-3411 Ginger Pl Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Salt Water Real Estate Llc
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