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Single Family Home
Kalapana Sea View Estates - Puna
Great opportunity to purchase 2 adjoining lots with PERMITTED yurts in the coastal community of Kalapana Seaview Estates, within a short distance to the stunning Eastside Hawaiian Pacific Ocean.
These 2 side by side properties, 12-318 and 12-320 E Pohakupele Loop, are 3 yurts set up as TWO bedrooms each with enough room for a large bed, cozy seating area & storage, + a third yurt set up with a full kitchen/dining/living room area. There is a total of 3.5 bathrooms & room for additional structures to be added in the future. These 2 properties must be sold together due to the closeness of the structures. The 3 yurts’ placement provide a courtyard setting with grass lawn and a tropical fruit garden which includes pineapples, papayas, citrus, orange, bananas, lilikoi, soursop, aloe & coconuts. Space available on properties for parking up to 3 vehicles.
Each property can be independent since each has its own water system with 8,000 gallon catchment tank, on demand hot water heater, own electric meter and wastewater system. Great potential for rental income possibilities as the yurts could be set up as separate living areas each with its own bathrooms!!
Located on the backside of the subdivision on a quiet street, these properties are a few minutes away from Kehena Black Sand Beach where you can swim year-round & enjoy the breathtaking Hawaiian Pacific Ocean. The quaint town of Pahoa is 20 minutes away, where you can do your shopping, banking & enjoy many restaurants.
Amazing opportunity to purchase a well price, special property in this community.
The two properties being sold together:
TMK 3-1-2-41-25, at 12-320 E POHAKUPELE LOOP
TMK 3-1-2-41-26, at 12-318 E POHAKUPELE LOOP
Sellers also has 2 additional ADJOINING properties that could provide additional living space and privacy totaling 4/5 of an acre MLS 706247 $249,500 (Two large Yurts) and MLS 706249 $109,500 (Small Yurt).
12-318 Pohakupele Loop Pahoa 96778 is listed Courtesy of Hilo Bay Realty Llc
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