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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
Well maintained and beautifully landscaped, this 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath home is ready for you to move in! Sits within the sunnier part of the Hawaiian Paradise Park Subdivision on 9th Avenue with nice cool winds coming off the ocean. A highly prized feature of this property is that it has it's own private well, no catchment tank here! It's close to the pavement, being only the third lot away from Paradise Drive so convenient to access.
The main living areas have built-in, custom shelves & cabinets that help keep the space organized & streamlined. Kitchen has ample storage with bar-style countertops made of high-quality, solid, non-porous Staron® material throughout. It is also used in all of the bathrooms, where the showers have the same floor-to-wall, custom Staron® material, resistant to mold, bacteria, mildew, etc. Hallway & doorways in the home are set wider with high-traffic vinyl flooring . Three Dakin split A/C units installed to keep the house chilled and comfortable.
Screened-in front lanai entryway is best place to take advantage of the view of the slopes of Mauna Kea in the distance on clear days. In the backyard, a 20' X 40" lanai/patio on a 4" thick concrete pad runs almost the span of the home. Host weekend BBQ parties, enjoy meals outdoors, or just lounge on the hammock all day enjoying the makai tradewinds.
The abundant landscaping includes ornamental plants, both native and non-native, as well as raised planters where you can expand your vegetable garden. There are fruit trees include soursops, coconuts, sapote, mango, ulu (breadfruit), etc. There's a cleared, level grassy area in the yard to potentially add another structure. Privacy bamboo added to the front fence and the gate opener is solar-powered. Nice plant prep area for gardening outside of garage area too!
15-1735 9Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Acasio Realty, Inc.
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