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Single Family Home in Hawaiian Paradise Park - Puna Hawaii
** Seller is offering a $10,000 seller credit for closing cost**
BRAND NEW 4 bedroom home on a FULL ACRE of land in the popular and rapidly growing Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision just on the outskirts of Hilo proper. Bright and spacious open vaulted ceiling open living space. The Kitchen has solid surface countertops with modern hardware & fixtures, ample cabinets space, stainless steel appliances. Split floor plan with Primary bedroom on left wing with walk in close, ensuite bathroom with walk in shower. On the right wing has the 2 bedrooms, guest bathroom with tile bath. There is a 2 car garage between the main home and study with full bathroom, and kitchenette with its own entry.
Great location, only few minutes away from the New Puna Kai Shopping center and Pahoa town amenities with Parks, Restaurants, Gym, Shopping, Entertainment, Grocery Stores, Churches, Schools, Post office, Medical offices and more. a few minutes to keaau with more and about 20 minutes to Hilo for everything else!
15-1594 8Th Ave Keaau 96749 is listed Courtesy of Hokulani Realty Llc
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