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Single Family Home
Keauhou Bay Lots - North Kona
HA'IKAUA POINT - An exclusive and historic 1.3-acre property along the Kona Coast of Hawaii — sitting on its own private peninsula. Your neighbor won’t know if you are in residence or not. For the buyer looking for a private sanctuary without the typical conditions of resort living, this is your oasis. That said, there is private golf and dining available a 10 minute drive away.
The family compound is surrounded by the ocean and two bays and comes with 600+ feet of private shoreline and unobstructed 270° views of the Pacific.
The Ha’ikaua Point compound is surrounded by lush and beautiful landscaped grounds. In total, there are five parcels that Includes the main house, Hale Kai Po A'i, two additional oceanfront bungalows (Hale Aloha and Hale Iki) and an additional building (Hale Hana - Bedroom/office, media room, 4-car garage).
Located on the legendary and historic Ha'ikaua Peninsula, this unparalleled oceanfront estate features:
- 600+ feet of private ocean shoreline with access to Keauhou and He'eia Bays and the Ocean.
- Virtually every water sport is available from the property.
- 270° of unobstructed ocean, bay and sunset views.
- Protected by an offshore reef.
- Chefs kitchen.
- Private free form infinity swimming pool.
- Includes furnishings, art and collections.
- Designed and built for minimum maintenance using the best of the best of everything on an unlimited budget.
No HOA, No CC&Rs - enjoy the ultimate Hawai'i resort lifestyle. The only neighbor you have is the ocean!
All furnishings and art collections will be included in the sale.
The stunning landscaped grounds of Ha'ikaua Point are the perfect setting for private functions (large or small) … or a corporate retreat… the options are unlimited.
You must see and feel Ha'ikaua to believe and appreciate it. The incomparable attributes of Ha'ikaua Point Estate are endless.
78-107-A Holua Rd Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Hualalai Realty
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