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Kahului 1St & 2Nd - North Kona
Great 2 bedroom 2 bath second floor oceanfront unit with STVR permit in hand. Located close enough to the shoreline to be lulled to sleep by the ocean yet far enough that the salt air is at a minimum. The kitchen has been beautifully updated. The Lanai is of a generous size, allowing outdoor dining and relaxation. The Primary bedroom is located just off the living room, where Shoji screens allow privacy if desired. Both bedrooms have oceanviews and sounds of the tropical pacific ocean.
Wonderful setting, with great angled views of the ocean from lanai. New Carpet. Alii villas is a thoughtfully managed association and property! Masonry structures have lower monthly maintenance requirements. Sellers hold a STVR, rental license for vacation rental bookings. No reservations in place, which is great if you want to reside full time.
This is a beautiful end unit which has more windows allowing more light and airflow. Monthly Homeowner fees will drop to $1,019.00 in March 2025 because the seller has paid off the assessment. A dog or cat is allowed with board approval.
75-6016 Alii Dr 236 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Image Properties
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