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Single Family Home in Kohala By The Sea - North Kohala Hawaii
Kohala by the Sea…a lovely, small, gated enclave of custom homes on the North Kohala coastline of the Big Island of Hawaii within minutes of historic Waimea, world class beaches and golf, and all the amenities of multiple four-star resorts. Every lot (approx. 70+/-) is one acre or more with views of the ocean, coastline, the surrounding mountains of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, Hualalai and the Kohala’s, seasonal whale watching and other abundant daily sea life activity. This one-acre lot is uniquely elevated which affords views well above, over the top and beyond any homes between this and the ocean. The home has been loved and cherished by only a small handful of previous owners and is now ready to hand off to the next resident, primed and ready for immediate occupancy, the sellers are looking to close as soon as possible. Certainly not at all passed its prime in the current condition, the home has an interesting and compelling floor plan perfect for a visionary who understands the possibilities for creating a new personal retreat, inspired by the intrinsic value of the location, the near perfect climate, and views. The county of Hawaii ranks the construction quality at a 6, one of the higher ratings given. A photovoltaic system and solar hot water system keeps the costs manageable for the pool and AC system. The low Homeowners Association fees of $330.00 per month are also a plus. Maple flooring throughout, the home has a natural, modern vibe with arches and north facing windows at 20’ or so. The kitchen and laundry room cabinets are of locally grown mango wood; quite rare and providing an authentic Hawaiian lifestyle component. A 3-car garage may provide enough length for a boat which you could launch only minutes away at Kawaihae harbor. An added but special bonus is a loft which serves perfectly as an office or yoga/mediation/art space. Property is sold As Is. Buyer and Buyer's agent to do their own due diligence.
59-150 Laninui Dr Kamuela 96743 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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