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Single Family Home
Mark Twain Estates - Kau
If you want peaceful & private property surrounded by nature, It's all here! This quiet & safe neighborhood offers wonderful neighbors & idyllic community with no traffic and perfect weather. Wake up to birds singing & close your day with star gazing. A lot of light & good air flow inside the house. High in demand lava zone 6 with sunshine & evening breeze. County water is provided from a local high-level quality Waiohinu spring.
This home was built in 2015 on concrete slab foundation has been immaculately cared for. Recent upgrades include added roof at the side of the house, new flooring, brand new front door, contemporary paint inside, solar system cabinet, modern blinds, advanced solar system SolArk, latest batteries, inverter & brand-new extra panels for an extensive power supply.
UPSTAIRS, from the ocean views dining lanai area enter the high ceilinged and spacious living room. The efficiently designed kitchen, all with bamboo laminate wood floors has marble countertops, double sink, compact refrigerator, lots of solid wood cabinets, and propane gas ranges with oven. Bedroom upstairs provide a 3/4 bath across the hallway. A built-in ladder extends the living area to a loft with access to top floor outside peekaboo patio.
DOWNSTAIRS with a separate entrance provides two large adjoining bedrooms, 3/4 bathroom, & a laundry room.
Home is connected to high speed fiberoptic internet. Spacious yard is mostly drought resistant and easy to maintain. Tropical trees: mango, guava, plumerias & agave.
This property is idyllic for peace seekers, its efficient design, very friendly operation cost.
It is sold w/without furniture, tv, & kitchen appliances. This turnkey option offers minimizing the moving cost & hassle free relocation.
A golf course, club house, community house for yoga & activities is 10 min near, town of Naalehu 15 min& black sand beach 20 min away.
94-6406 Malulani Rd Naalehu 96772 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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