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On the eastern shore of Oahu, beneath the breathtaking Ko’olau mountain range lies the quiet, relaxed beach community of Kailua. Famous for its beaches and outdoor lifestyle. Dog-friendly Kailua Beach is a popular spot for picnics, swimming, kayaking, body boarding, kite surfing and windsurfing. Kailua is a self-sufficient town with a strong sense of community.
On the eastern shore of Oahu, beneath the breathtaking Ko’olau mountain range lies the quiet, relaxed beach community of Kailua. Although it’s only a 30-minute drive from the heart of downtown Honolulu, this Windward Oahu town feels as if it’s a world away.
Kailua is known for it's beaches and outdoor lifestyle. Dog-friendly Kailua Beach is a popular spot for picnics, swimming, kayaking, body boarding, kite surfing and windsurfing. Lanikai beach features a mile of pristine, white sand and clear turquoise water. The Mokulua Islands sit about a mile off the coast of Lanikai, and can be accessed by kayaks and paddleboards.
Known for its beautiful beaches and small-town vibe, Kailua is home to nearly 40,000 residents, dozens of local shops and restaurants, nine grocery stores and 16 schools. Kailua is a self-sufficient town with a strong sense of community, offering its residents farmers’ markets, holiday parades and the annual “I Love Kailua” block party. The town, which borders the Kaneohe Marine Corps Base, is also a favorite relocation spot for military families.
The popular Kailua neighborhood shows tight inventory and high demand reflected in the very low Average Days on Market of 34 days. Kailua is one of the more historic parts of Oahu which means older homes and lower inventory due to lack of new construction.
Above all, my favorite thing about Kailua is the people, I have seen people rally and show support for each other in so many different ways. You cannot put a price on that. I wouldn't live anywhere else![]()
C. Wong, Kailua Resident
There is a lot to choose from in Kailua. From post and pier plantation style homes found throughout Coconut Grove, to lakefront living on Enchanted Lake, to contemporary multi-million dollar estates near Kailua Beach, to a multitude of condos found in downtown Kailua, there is something for everyone.![]()
D. Muth, Kailua Resident
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