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Ewa is an emerging, beautiful suburban retreat located right next to Oahu's "Second City" Kapolei. What began as a rural plantation town surrounded by fields of sugar cane has transformed into one of the fastest growing, most populated areas on the island. New neighborhoods are developed in Ewa Gentry each year and the Ewa by Gentry Community Association has created community guidelines, rules, and regulations to keep the area safe and clean.
Ewa is an emerging, beautiful suburban retreat located right next to Oahu's "Second City" Kapolei. What began as a rural plantation town surrounded by fields of sugar cane has transformed into one of the fastest growing, most populated areas on the island.
An ever-growing number of subdivisions are developed in Ewa Gentry each year and the Ewa by Gentry Community Association has created community guidelines, rules, and regulations to keep the area safe and neat. The association is also in charge of the Ewa Gentry Community Center where classes on hula, karate, yoga, and a variety of aquatic activities are offered.
Ewa is a short drive away from Kapolei Shopping Center, Kapolei Entertainment Center, and the Kapolei Parkway Shops, where residents can find plenty of shopping, dining, and entertainment options. This is also where Wet 'n' Wild water park is located, a favorite spot for local residents and visitors alike, and Consolidated Theatres 16, a recently renovated movie theater with leather recliners.
Enjoy a laid-back BBQ with friends from the neighborhood or go out for a night on the town in Kapolei. Ewa is the perfect balance of rural and urban.
Ewa is one of the hottest markets in Oahu due to a combination of affordable single family homes, well planned layouts and easy accessibility to golf courses and parks. Low Days on Market and inventory reflect very high demand. If you're looking for a single family home under the median price, Ewa is a great place to start.
Ewa used to be a sleepy plantation town. Now, it's one of Oahu's fastest growing areas with 1 out of every 5 single family homes sales occurring in Ewa. It's quickly becoming the City of the Future![]()
M. Geurrero, Ewa Neighborhood Expert
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