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The Aiea/Pearl City area is nestled between Pearl Harbor and the breathtaking Ko’olau Mountain Range. Bustling with activities and offer prime city living with a diverse mixture of Hawai’ian culture. The Aiea area has a long, rich history of pearl trading, cattle raising, sugar production and now, industry and tourism. Set on lush land in the central region of O’ahu, this area is situated on a series of ahupua’a, or ridges and valleys stretching from the mountains to the sea that offer picturesque hiking trails for nature enthusiasts.
The communities of Aiea and Pearl City sit nestled between iconic Pearl Harbor and the breathtaking Ko’olau Mountain Range. Besides the claim to fame that Aiea is one of the few cities in the world whose name consists entirely of vowels, it’s location, location, location that make the Pearl City and Aiea communities so attractive to homebuyers. Both towns are bustling with activities and offer prime city living with a diverse mixture of Hawai’ian culture.
Pearl City and Aiea have a long, rich history of pearl trading, cattle raising, sugar production and now, industry and tourism. Set on lush land in the central region of O’ahu, the two communities are situated on a series of ahupua’a, or ridges and valleys stretching from the mountains to the sea that offer picturesque hiking trails for nature enthusiasts. This area also features the landmark Aloha Stadium, home of the Rainbow Warriors and location of the Aloha Swap Meet and State Fair.
An extremely tight market combined with relatively high demand reflected in low Average Days on Market is pushing up Median List Prices to historic highs, showing a very healthy market. With demand growing and inventory shrinking, expect these trends to continue.
Pearl City, and Pacific Palisades in particular, has been my home for about 14 years. Having served as a Pearl City Neighborhood Board director and a past president of the Pacific Palisades Community Association, as well as a candidate for the district’s state house of representatives, I join in my neighbors’ commitment to fostering a community spirit of aloha, kokua, and ho’okipa.C. Prendergrast, Pearl City Resident
Aiea is one of the best places to live on Oahu. The location, atmosphere, and shopping give Aiea a local, small town feel with world class amenities![]()
D. Yamane, Aiea Neighborhood Expert
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