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Single Family Home in Laie - North Shore Oahu
Great opportunity to enjoy happy island living by sandy Clissolds Beach in Laie. Spacious home with open green yard for space or outside gatherings. Do your own interior designs. Endless beach and ocean activities like kayaking, snorkeling, or just quiet walks along the sandy beach from Laie Point to Bathtub Beach. Walking distance to the Polynesian Cultural Center, Marriott Hotel, BYU-Hawaii University, Laie Elementary, and other amenities. Kahuku Hospital, Kahuku High School is about 15 minutes away. Lots of elbow room for healthy and active living. All marble floors, granite tops for kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Upstairs has 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen, high beam living room opening into large deck with ocean and foliage views. Downstairs has 2 bedrooms, bathroom, wet-bar, living room that opens into a patio leading to a large yard and the sandy beach. Income property. Entry into property lot by appointment ONLY. Surveillance cameras on grounds. Kindly provide Proof of pre-approval financing or available funds PRIOR to showing. Please feel free to contact for more photos. We're happy to share our local knowledge with you.
55371 Kamehameha Highway Laie 96762 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Real Estate Ohana Llc (808) 293-9111
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