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Single Family Home in Kawailoa-North Shore - North Shore Oahu
Experience the ultimate oceanfront living on Oahu's iconic North Shore! Versatile layout designed for comfort and endless possibilities, this 5 bedroom, 2 bath home features a 3 bed/1 bath upstairs & 2 bed/1 bath downstairs. Separated by a locking interior door and both levels are fully equipped with FULL KITCHEN & W/D, A/C in the main living areas, making it ideal for multi-generational living, vacation rentals. Renovated in 2021 and upgraded in 2024 with a brand new 1500 gallon septic system, this property is move in ready and priced below current tax value. Permits package and video tour available upon request. Located near Alligators surf spot, this home offers unbeatable direct ocean access, activities like swimming, surfing, stand up paddle boarding, snorkeling; memorable ocean adventures. You’ll love the convenience of the hot and cold outdoor shower after a day at the beach. Whether you're seeking a serene getaway or a place to create lasting memories, this property is your chance to own a piece of paradise. Exceptional value in a high-demand market, don't let this opportunity slip away. Priced to sell AS IS; this home is ready for the right buyer and little TLC!
61-275 Kamehameha Highway Haleiwa 96712 is listed Courtesy of Tlc Realty Llc (808) 852-2555
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