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Condo in Waikiki - Metro Honolulu Oahu
In the heart of Waikiki, this quaint quiet back corner 1BD/1BA unit is the perfect little getaway in Waikiki. The unit has been nicely upgraded with new appliances, fixtures, and double-pane windows. The Hawaiian Prince Apartments is a secure well-maintained co-op ELEVATOR building with a full-time resident manager. Centrally located within walking distance to world-famous Waikiki Beach and the International Marketplace which is just a stone's throw away. This is a LEASEHOLD property, the ground lease ends on "March 31, 2040, PROVIDED HOWEVER, that on or after March 31, 2030, Lessor(Queen Emma) should have the absolute right to terminate said Lease SUBJECT TO the conditions set forth in said Lease." Owner's monthly expenses:$697.32(ground lease rent)+$413.23(monthly maintenance fee)+$106.13(monthly property tax)=$1,216.68/Total per month. The unit is being sold as-is fully-furnished. Minimum 30-day rentals only. Fee purchase and financing are not available. Currently m2m tenant occupied, showings are only available with buyer's proof of funds and/or after receiving an accepted offer with an inspection/showing contingency.
410 Nahua Street 407 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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