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Waikiki - Metro Honolulu
Situated along world-famous Waikiki Beach, Waikiki Shore stands as one of the neighborhood's most iconic destinations. This forward-position 1-bedroom residence boasts stunning Pacific Ocean views, overlooking Waikiki’s coastline, swaying palm treetops, across DeRussy Beach Park, with breathtaking sunsets as a grand finale. Imported materials, designer lighting, large-slab tile flooring, and a custom, high-end sliding lanai door system have transformed the interior through a masterful remodel and upgrade. The open-concept floor plan generously accommodates a dining area alongside the kitchen and living room. Ocean views are enjoyed from the bedroom space, which includes a built-in desk and resort-style bathroom with a walk-in shower room. This breathtaking location in Honolulu puts sandy coastlines and turquoise waters at your doorstep, with direct beach access from Waikiki Shore. Enjoy watersports, nearby shops, restaurants, and entertainment at your leisure. Welcome home to paradise, found at Waikiki Shore #906.
2161 Kalia Road 906 Honolulu 96815 is listed Courtesy of Sachi Hi Pacific Century Prop. (808) 596-8801
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